Computing Hard Reset Edifier X3s – Simple Way & Fast Performing a hard reset on your Edifier X3S earbuds can resolve various connectivity or performance issues by restoring them to…
Windows How to Copy Folder Only (Folder Structure) on Windows Looking to copy folder structure (copy folder only) to setup new workspace without dragging old files? Use the XCOPY command on Windows
Data Change Metadata with ExifTool: Quick, Easy Batch Edits! Learn to change metadata and manage digital assets efficiently with our comprehensive guide on bulk metadata editing, using tools like ExifTool
Windows Creating a Folder with Automation Script to Move, Copy, and Delete Files Project Description The goal of this project is to create a dedicated folder that will automatically: This is useful for…
Mac How to SS on MacBook | Capture Your Screen Effortlessly Master how to ss on MacBook with this in-depth guide. Covering MacBook Air and Pro, learn best screenshot technique, editing, & organizing tips
Windows 2 Ways to Make Transparent Command Prompt in Windows Transforming your Windows CMD into a transparent command prompt can significantly elevate the coolness factor of your PC & laptop
Computing Differences Between x64 vs x86 (32 bit vs 64 bit) Explicitly Perhaps many are still unaware of the differences between x64 vs x86 (32 bit vs 64 bit), as well as their application to computer systems.
Computing Fix Chrome Out of Memory Instantly Up to 3x Struggling with ChatGPT out of memory error code in Google Chrome? ‘Aw, Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this web page’
Windows How to Extract Files from Many Folders at Once I’ll show you how to extract files from many folders at once. You don’t need any software to do this trick, and it’s very easy to do
Computing Script : Definition, Types, Examples & How to Create Them Script is a language used to translate every command on a website, program, or application so that it can be accessed by humans
Windows Windows Sharing Error “This App Can’t Share Right Now” Last week I encountered a problem sharing files with Windows Phone Link, displaying the error message “This app can’t share…
Windows How to Make Taskbar Transparent Windows 10 Full 100% Looking for tricks or how to make taskbar transparent in Windows 10 fully 100% without any leftovers of shadow? You’ve come to the right place